What Are the Different Types of Probiotics?

We know the microorganisms in wildbrine’s fermented foods are crucial for our good health, so let’s meet up-close and personal some specific types of probiotics we’re likely to find in them.

Because we don’t add commercial strains of probiotics to our foods (we do it wild!), but allow the wild microbes that nature provides to do the fermenting, we can’t say precisely which microorganisms are working in each product, but we can name some of the most common types of probiotics, most of which are likely to be in the mix.

The following types of probiotics are our friends; in fact, they are essential to our health, they protect us from disease, they enhance our nutrition, and they turn ordinary vegetables into fabulously tasty fermented superfoods.

Bifidobacterium bifidum. This microbe is found in the stomach and intestinal tract. It shows promise in suppressing infection in the stomach of Helicobacter pylori, the pathogen that causes stomach ulcers. Several studies show that it helps lower and contain the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It’s typically found in sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles.

Bifidobacterium lactis. This gut bacteria’s role as a probiotic has been well studied and its chief benefit to the human body is its ability to modulate and strengthen the immune system. It’s found in fermented vegetables such as wildbrine’s sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickled veggies, as well as in yogurt.

Bifidobacterium longum. This bacterium has a positive effect on the mix of other probiotics in the intestines, causing a significant increase in the amount of biotin (vitamin B7) produced. Biotin helps the body turn food into energy. The bacteria are common in fermented vegetables.

There are all types of probiotics in wildbrine products
There are all different types of probiotics in wildbrine products.

Lactobacillus acidophilus. This is the beneficial  workhorse bacterium that ferments wildbrine’s line of probiotic-laden vegetables. It may prevent diarrhea, minimize symptoms of IBS, help lower cholesterol, and support vaginal health. It contributes greatly to the healthy ecology of the gut microbiome.

Lactobacillus casei and L. rhamnosus. These closely related probiotics are among the most widely researched species of lactobacillae that likely occur in wildbrine’s vegetable products. They have been shown to prevent or treat diseases and disturbances to the gut biome, stabilizing and strengthening it.

Lactobacillus reuteri. Get to know this one-celled friend, for it’s an all-around healer. In humans, it’s found in the gut microbiome, urinary tract, on the skin, and in breast milk. It produces antimicrobial substances that inhibit disease-causing germs and remodels the gut bacteria mix to increase human health. It can reduce inflammatory agents while promoting T-cell formation. (T-cells are immune cells that protect the body from diseases and cancer.) L. reuteri also strengthens the intestinal wall, preventing leaky gut syndrome and its impact on inflammatory disease throughout the body.

Lactobacillus salivarius. L. salivarius is one of the lactic acid bacillae that occurs in the fermentation of vegetables and it helps improve oral health by suppressing gum disease, reducing dental caries, and checking halitosis. It also confers health benefits to the intestinal tract.

Streptococcus thermophilus. This friendly bacterium produces lactase enzyme that helps people digest milk more efficiently. It also decreases ulcerative colitis symptoms, decreases leaky gut symptoms that cause inflammation throughout the body, decreases IBS symptoms, enhances the immune system, prevents and fights pneumonia, fights Clostridium difficile (a particularly nasty intestinal disease), and has many other health benefits.

These are just a handful of the most important probiotics that may be found in wildbrine products. There are hundreds more.

About the Author: Sonoma County resident Jeff Cox is the author of 24 books, including The Essential Book of Fermentation (Avery, 2013)

12 comments on “What Are the Different Types of Probiotics?”

  1. mark susalski

    Love your products. Purchased at Natural Grocers Denver. Do you need any Sales Team help with all the great growth your experiencing. I am an experienced Natural Foods sales person with a long resume of calling on every retailer nationally. Please pass along if your growth is adding Sales team members


    1. The wild Bunch

      Hi Mark – Thanks for the kudos. If you’re located on the east coast, we’re hiring! Please email us at gowild@wildbrine.com and we’ll put you in touch.

  2. Philip Gilligan

    Will cooking with high heat kill off the
    probiotics, or heating up with a microwave
    do the same.

    1. The wild Bunch

      Hi Philip – Yes, while warming fermented foods can be very tasty, there is a good chance of killing off the beneficial probiotic bacteria at temperatures above 115 degrees F. In order to preserve the probiotic benefits, we suggest waiting to add our fermented products to your dish until just before serving. Keeping those bacteria happy will keep your gut happy as well.

  3. Natalie

    Hello, do different fermented foods / drinks contain different probiotics?
    Ie – do we need to mix it up and eat kimchi, and kefir, and kombucha and kraut?
    And PS – why to do they all begin with K??!

    1. The wild Bunch

      Hi Natalie – Yes they do! If they’re wild fermented like wildbrine, they we rely on the microbes in the air to help create the probiotics. Some products, like kombucha for instance, use a more controlled environment to maintain consistency. So a mix of fermented products is always best if you can to “eat the rainbow” 🙂

      P.S. So weird huh?!

  4. Nancy Wright

    I also love WILD BRINE sauerkraut especially after 69 years of fighting my intestines, it has helped me befriend them.

    1. The wild Bunch

      Nancy – Thanks for sharing. We love these kinds of stories 🙂

  5. Dale

    After 6 months of Wild Brine sauerkraut, about a tablespoon at lunch everyday, not expecting anything in particular, just enjoying the delicious flavor, my doctor told me that my most recent blood tests showed that my cholesterol had dropped 100 points. I am now definitely a believer!

    1. The wild Bunch

      Wow Dale! Thanks for sharing your progress and we’re super happy to hear this.

  6. Jay

    I love your guys Spicy Korean Kimchi. I try to have a big serving after eating dinner.

    1. The wild Bunch

      Hi Jay – Thanks for the shout out. We like how you roll!


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