Creative Recycling Ideas for Plastic Containers

The first Earth Day was observed in 1970 when 20 million Americans mobilized to call for greater protections for our planet. In the 51 years since that first Earth Day, more companies, organizations, and individuals have joined the movement to preserve the Earth’s resources and beauty for future generations. At wildbrine, we have always been a champion of protecting the environment and are dedicated to running our business as sustainably as we can. So this Earth Day, we’re offering up a few creative recycling ideas for our plastic containers. We encourage everyone to reflect on how they practice sustainability in their daily lives and see if there’s opportunity to do more on an individual basis for our planet.

Reuse, renew, recycle. Recycling plastic, paper, and other waste products is a simple and easy to help keep these items from ending up in our landfills and oceans. Unfortunately, many people believe their individual efforts do not make a difference, but it isn’t true. If everyone committed to doing just one of the three Rs in their daily lives, we would see a drastic reduction in waste and pollution in the world.

To celebrate Earth Day, we’ve rounded up some great ideas on how you can repurpose our kraut, kimchi, and salsa containers.

window box succulent planters

Creative Recycling Ideas for Plastic Containers

  1. Recycle Them! We use the best type of plastic that we can buy. It is PBA free and rated PET #1, the most recyclable type of plastic. Just making a conscious effort to recycle everything – including your empty wildbrine containers - makes a difference.
  1. Snack-tastic! Our empty wildbrine containers are great for on-the-go snacks. Simply add nuts, dried fruit, or any other dry snack to the empty container and grab and go. It’s way easier than having to take full size containers to a picnic, ballgame, beach day, or on a road trip. And bonus – the tops make them spill proof.
  1. Get Organized! The garage and the office are prime places for disorganization. We’ve all had nails and screws strewn about the workbench or office drawers filled with loose binder and paper clips. If you can relate, use our empty containers to round up all those loose items and get organized once and for all.
  1. Overnight Oats! A favorite recipe for people who need quick grab and go breakfasts is overnight oats. Instead of buying jars, consider making this tasty treat and reusing our clean, empty wildbrine containers. You can find a great recipe for overnight oats here or use your own.
  1. Succulent Planters! Dress up any windowsill, office, or outdoor deck with these adorable planters made from our empty containers.


  • Clean container with dish soap and water. Allow to dry.
  • To remove label, submerge empty container in water. Once the label falls off, scrub off the residual adhesive with a scrubbing sponge. If the adhesive persists, try to dissolve it with Goo Be Gone or nail polish remover.
  • Use a drill to make holes in the bottom of the container so it will drain when watered.
  • Spray paint the empty containers with your favorite color. Be sure your spray paint is the type that adheres to plastic. Give it at least two coats and let dry for at least 24 hours.
  • Buy succulents at your local nursery or home improvement store (use other plants if desired). Don’t forget to pick up some potting soil if needed! Or break off a cutting from one you already have.
  • Carefully plant succulent into painted containers, adding water to firmly pack the soil.
  • Congrats, you’re done. Now find a windowsill, office, or outdoor spot to showcase your handiwork. Enjoy!

Now we want to hear from you. We’d love to know how you reuse, renew, and recycle your empty wildbrine containers. Send your idea (with a pic if possible) to or DM us on our social media channels.


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