Watermelon Cucumer Salad - Blog

Refreshing Watermelon-Cucumber Salad (Probiotic-Rich)

Our aromatic Arame Ginger Kraut gently tossed with watermelon, salted cucumbers, and sunflower seeds makes a surprisingly sweet and delicate salad. Perfect for warmer days or when you want to dream of summer, this salad is a light breeze to throw together.


1 c. wildbrine Arame and Ginger Sauerkraut (strain and reserve brine)
2 Tbsp. reserved Arame Ginger Sauerkraut brine
1 each seedless watermelon, personal size (peeled and cut into 1-inch cubes)
4 each Persian cucumbers (washed and cut into ⅛ inch disks)
1 Tbsp. kosher salt
1/2 c. sunflower seeds, roasted and salted

wildbrine Arame and Ginger Sauerkraut plus extra sunflower seeds as garnish


Salted Cucumber:

Slice cucumber on either a mandolin or very thinly with a knife. Place sliced cucumber in a large bowl. Dress with brine and salt. Mix well. Place cucumbers into a sieve and let drain at room temperature for at least an hour and as many as 4. They will drop water as they “cure.” When ready to use, gently wring out or pat dry. Reserve liquid to cure more cucumbers later if desired.


Total time: 1 1/2 hours | 30 minutes hands-on


Serves 4


Place the cut watermelon, salted cucumber, and sauerkraut into a large mixing bowl. Toss gently to mix well. Just before plating, add the sunflower seeds and taste the salad. Adjust seasoning with more brine or salt if desired.


Pick your favorite plate or platter. Artfully arrange your salad and top with a little more sauerkraut and a few more seeds.

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