wildbrine kimchi fried rice recipe

Kimchi Fried Rice Recipe

Here at wildbrine, we generally develop recipes that keep our wild fermented probiotics intact — maintaining the delicious unpasteurized kraut, kimchi or sriracha raw or below 105 degrees. That’s how you preserve the good bacteria in the fermented food. However, we know our products also taste amazing cooked (people tell us this, really), so we don’t judge anyone who wants to cook our kraut. In this kimchi fried rice recipe, you could add in the kimchi at the beginning, which is how traditional recipes do it. But we incorporate it at the end, to highlight the bright, spicy goodness and keep everything gut-healthy, using our Korean Style Kimchi. Explore other flavors in this recipe with wildbrine’s Miso-Horseradish or Mild Turmeric Kimchis or make it vegan by opting out of the eggs. Before you commit, be sure to check out our other vegan kimchi fried rice recipe. We thank Kaitlin McCandlish, who was a runner-up in our How wild Do You Like It cooking contest, for this recipe.


1 1/2 c. rice
1 c. wildbrine Korean Kimchi & juice from the container, divided
1 tsp. olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and minced
1 Tbsp. ghee
1 tsp. tamari
1/2 tsp. sesame oil
2-4 eggs (optional - depending on how hungry you are)


1-2 sheet of roasted seaweed, shredded
2 Tbsp. broccoli sprouts
1 Tbsp. toasted sesame seeds
Salt & pepper (as desired)
Chopped green onions
Two lime wedges


Total time: 30-45 minutes | 15 minutes hands-on


Serves 2


1. Cook the rice per package instructions. Once finished, set aside to cool.
2. In a large wok or skillet, add olive oil, garlic, and ginger. Cook about 30 seconds or until garlic begins to brown. Add the kimchi and cooked rice. Pour the kimchi juice over the top of the rice. Mix well. Let cook on medium-high heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. It should start to get lightly crispy and browned on the bottom of the rice and then stir so it doesn't burn. We like ours extra crispy, so cook to your liking.
3. Add the ghee, tamari, and sesame oil. Stir until mixture is well incorporated. Turn the heat down, make small pockets in the rice and crack your eggs into them (this part is optional). Cook eggs to your liking.
4. Take the pan off the heat. Stir in wildbrine kimchi until fully incorporated. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Then, add your toppings: Seaweed, sesame seeds, broccoli sprouts, green onions, lime juice, salt and pepper.
5. Enjoy!

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