The Finest Sauer: 5 delicious ways to use sauerkraut, inspired by our favorite chefs

We love the shriveled sour cabbage on top of our ballpark hot dog, but sauerkraut deserves so much more.

“The flavors are so complex and layered, but it is only made from cabbage and salt, two of the humblest ingredients in our pantry,” Edward Lee, chef at Louisville’s 610 Magnolia, says. “To transform something like that into the delicious, mysterious condiment is a small miracle.”

Lee, along with a few our other favorite ferment-obsessed chefs, fill us in on tips, opinions and recipe ideas that will having you screaming and krauting for joy. In case you need a brushup, here is the basic process of making sauerkraut.

Read the rest of the article at Tasting Table.

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